Cranium Game Rules

How To Play Cranium Whoonu (Instructions)

Learn the rules to the board game Cranium quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.Don't own the game?Buy it here. For even more fun, visit ®. Free shipping and 20% off all Cranium games when you register. Cool ideas and activities for kids and adults. Booster Box™ and replacement gear for Cadoo PP1336CadooUSRules.innd 11336CadooUSRules.innd 1 66/28/04 2:37:49 PM/28/04 2:37:49 PM. The game is simple for kids to play. This is a good game for little kids. SOLVED: Instuctions for the Cranium Hullabaloo Game – Fixya. Click here for a MPEG clip of part of a game! Believe it or not, Cranium Hullabaloo is also fun for adults to play for a Family Game night. Dec 25, Cranium Hullabaloo Square Instructoins. Cranium is an evolved form of Ludo. It's a board game, wherein a team of 2 or more players strive to reach the center of the cranium board, completing various skill-based activities. The game was created by two former Microsoft employees, Richard Tait and Whit Alexander. It is presently marketed and manufactured by Hasbro under the Cranium Inc. Plentifun explains the several rules. Set out the game board, pad and pencil, tokens, SOLO cards, COMBO cards, timer, Cranium Clay, decoder goggles, and die. Each player chooses a token color and takes all the tokens of this color. (If you have more than four players, see the special instructions for team play on the back page).


Do you think you know your friends or family? Play Cranium Whoonu and see if you can guess each other's favorite things. This exciting game will help you discover if your sister likes gum more than burgers or poodles more than parrots.
Cranium Whoonu (pronounced 'who knew') will get everyone involved. Learning how to play Cranium Whoonu is quick and simple and game play is rather quick. This is a great game for teens as a get to know you game or for long time friends. Give Cranium Whoonu a try today and who knows, you just might learn something new.
Cranium Game Rules
  • Cranium Whoonu Should Come With 300 Game Cards
  • 36 Scoring Tokens
  • A Secret Envelope And The Cranium Whoonu Game Rules And Instructions
Win the most points by correctly guessing the other players' favorite things.


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Please keep in mind that the official Cranium Whoonu rules and instructions could be different depending on the game version you have. The rules below are some of the exact directions that came in the original packaging.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about how to play, problems with the directions or anything you want about Cranium Whoonu. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.
Cora says:
How many cards do you need for the deal?
Bobby says:
Wow cool so playing tonight
Ava says:
cool game it is fun on a rainy day
brianna says:
how many cards
Lauren says:
This is a really nice game for kids!!
Kay says:
I love this game. It is the perfect game for families with younger children ! It makes a raining day very enjoyable!
Cranium Whoonu
Players3 to 6
Playing time15-30 minutes
Random chanceMedium
Age range7 setup_time=< 5 minutes

Cranium Whoonu is a party game manufactured by Cranium, Inc. Whoonu is billed as 'the fun-filled 'what's your favorite thing?' game'.


  • 300 cards labeled with random people, places, things, actions, etc.
  • 36 tokens in six different values (1 to 6)
  • Secret envelope


There are different combinations for the number of tokens needed depending on how many people are playing. If there are three participants, use tokens 1 to 4 in stacks of three. If there are four players, use tokens 1 to 6 in stacks of four, tokens 1 to 4 in stacks of five if there are five, and tokens 1 to 5 in stacks of six if there are six. Also, you must remember that there are many different species of cards. For this reason, it is important to make sure you pick the right ones.

The envelope is given to the player with the nearest upcoming birthday. This player is the first 'Whoozit'.

Everyone except the Whoozit receives four cards and the remaining cards are put face down in a pile. Players can look at their cards, but cannot show them to anyone else.

Game play[edit]

In each round, players will try to guess the Whoozit's favorite things. For example, a player may have been dealt these cards: Super Bowl Sunday, New York City, string cheese and gardening. He would pick two cards (if there were three or four players) or one card (if there were five or six players) marked with things that he thinks the Whoozit prefers.

All of the players other than the Whoozit put their chosen cards in the envelope without revealing them. The Whoozit then takes the cards out of the envelope and secretly puts them behind the corresponding tokens: 1 least favorite, and 6 for most favorite.

The Whoozit reveals the least favorite thing first, reading it aloud. The player who chose this card takes the 1 token and gets one point. The Whoozit continues turning over cards until all of them are revealed and one token from each stack is awarded.

After this process is completed, then a new Whoozit must be selected. Everyone passes their cards to player on their left. The player with no cards takes the envelope and becomes the new Whoozit.

All of the revealed cards are put in a discard pile. Everyone except the Whoozit draws more cards for a total of four cards in each hand. The game continues until everyone has been the Whoozit and all of the tokens are awarded.


Disney cranium game rules

Because of the relative randomness of all responses, it is not uncommon for players to come up with their own categories for Whoonu rounds, such as 'different flavors of soup' or 'unlikely super powers' or any listable (or even risque, vulgar or abstract, such as using a potato) category that the players' imaginations can come up with. With such variable categories, it is not uncommon to continue beyond one round. Most games, in such cases, last until a predetermined point total (like 100 or 200) has been achieved by one player or until all 300 Whoonu cards have been played.

Cranium Game Rules

It is relatively easy to create a homemade version of the game by taking index cards and writing other nouns, names and verbs on them and by using any other form of scoring tokens like coins or poker chips. By using other scoring tokens, it is possible to have more than the game's self-allotted maximum of 7 players.

A different way of playing Whoonu includes having the same judge (or Whoonu) for everybody's category for one round. While that judge would be absent from scoring for that round and would not be able to submit any of their own cards for any of the categories in that round, all players would be absent from one round each, making it even.

A variation of that judging method is to have one judge deal out 6 cards to the other 6 players (or 5 or 4 players), but none to himself. (If there is only 3 other players, deal out 12 cards to each player; if 2 players, 18 cards each.) The judge will then make up 6 categories in a row to judge and the other players can only submit cards from the remaining cards in their hand; they are not allowed to draw another card from the deck. When it comes to the sixth category, the players have to submit what card/cards remain in their hand, no matter how relevant the card is the category.

Another simple variation instead has the players choose the 'Whoozit's' least favorite, as opposed to the normal way of playing when the players choose the Whoozit's favorite.

External links[edit]

Cranium Wow Game Rules Pdf

Cranium Game Rules

Skull Game Rules

  • Cranium, Whoonu at Cranium, Inc.'s website
  • Cranium Whoonu at BoardGameGeek
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